Saturday, September 26, 2015

Rain or Shine

A few weeks ago I found out that the race I *thought* would be my comeback half did not actually run the route I assumed it did. I had planned to run that half in September of 2016. It seemed reasonable - 15 months after my baby. When I discovered that not only did the course run a completely different route, but it also spent the last 3 miles doing an impressive several hundred foot climb I drew a hard line. Nope. Not doing it.

I went off in search of a race that spoke to me. After a brief search, I (re)discovered the Gasparilla Distance Classic in Tampa. Gasparilla is something I am familiar with, having grown up in the Bay Area. It's a lot sooner - Feb 21, 2016, but I decided to go for it! I'm really excited to be able to run in my hometown!

The other day, I discovered the Red Nose Half Marathon in Columbus, GA on Jan 9, 2016. The best part about this race? It's FREE! Well, it's $25 if you want a shirt, and it doesn't have a medal. But for some reason, I decided it sounded like a great idea. I haven't signed up yet, because I'm undecided on the shirt, but I plan to! My doula from Noam's birth graciously offered to let me stay with her the night before and to watch Noam. So getting to see her is really my big motivation.


That means I have 15 weeks to train instead of several months. Eeeks.

For the one (and only, to date) half marathon I have done, I was part of a Galloway training group and just did what they said. I didn't have to think about it very much. I have the JG13.1 app on my phone, but it is a 17 week training program. I skipped a few days and ran the Week 2 Day 4 today, so that cuts it down to manageable *IF* I don't miss anymore workouts.

This past week, I decided that I was done making excuses. Not even excuses really, but I'm the mom of 4 kids 6 and under. One of those is a very clingy 4 month old who nurses all night long, and another one is homeschooled. I just wasn't finding the time (or motivation) to sacrifice my little bit of sleep to run in the morning. Plus it is getting dark. And raining a lot. And I work evenings, so that was interfering with my schedule. So I went out in search of a treadmill....or dreadmill. I hate them, but I hate them less than I hate the way I feel when I don't keep a commitment to myself. I purchased a barely-used 4 year old treadmill for $100 with my husband's blessing. (I told him we could share it ;). ) We tried to get into the house today, but it didn't fit through the garage door. We'll have to go through the front door when it stops raining.

Since the treadmill option clearly didn't work, I decided to take to the streets and run in the rain. You know what I discovered?


Running in this rain - a slow drizzle, occasional moderate rain with a tiny bit of wind - it was just amazing. I felt so alive! I was focused, I was into my music. Real runners run in the rain. I am a real runner.

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